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📘 The Contract – Further Clauses

Ravi started reading further points of the contract…

11) Master has the right to limit His slave’s movements. Master has the absolute right to dictate its were about at all times and will decide where it lives and exists. Master has the right to exercise this prerogative by physically confining or binding it by any means Master desires, with no limitations on time or method. It understands that it will be restrained, that the restraints are real, and that it will not be able to get free until Master desires to release it. it also understands that it may be in heavy bondage for days or even weeks at a time and that it will be in some type of restraint and bondage selected by Master at all times. Chains, collar, and cuffs at the very least. So with this being known it completely understands it will be in some type of bondage always for the rest of its life. There will never be a time that its collar isn’t on or it is not wearing bondage.

12) The slave is absolutely not allowed on any furniture of any kind or permitted to be on anything but the floor at any time unless specified otherwise on rare occasions.

13) If a slave develops a medical condition, such as allergy, diabetes, that dictates inclusion or exclusion of certain food and drink, specific exercise regimens, scheduled medications, etc., the Master agrees to abide by the limits of diet, exercise, etc., as required to live with the condition. Master will make sure the slave is adequately provided with anything it may need medically to remain useful to Him.

14) There are few limitations to what types of sexual service the slave may be used for or be made to endure. This is Not a Contract for sexual services and it shall Not receive anything of value for engaging in sex. However, it completely understands that it will be used for sexual acts. It agrees to do so fully, completely, willingly, and to the best of its ability. Master will tell it where, when, and with whom and what sexual activities to undertake. It completely understands as a slave that sexually its purpose is to please. its pleasure is secondary and means absolutely nothing to Master. Master may forbid it or also allow it to engage in sexual activities with anyone other than Him. Such activities will include fetish, sadomasochistic, multi-person, and other activities considered by some to be deviant specifically including human breeding and human oral sex.

15) Master Agrees that the slave will not be required to service or interact with animals, children, or females at any time. But as this Contract continues to indicate slave is well aware of the deviant things that will be done to it. Except at Master’s discretion, it agrees to refrain from all sexual activity of every kind and description, including self-gratification.

16) If a slave is caught masturbating without consent by Master it will receive severe punishment. Master may also forbid it from engaging in any sexual activity of any kind for extended periods, or even forever. it understands that it may not be allowed to touch itself ever. Slave agrees to fully obey all of these limitations if and when they are imposed and for however long they are imposed.

17) It understands it will wear a chastity device that will only be unlocked by Master Khaled when He wishes it to be unlocked. It also understands Master may not allow it to cum for days, weeks, or months at a time or even forever and it will be forbidden from asking for relief on pain of the same punishment it will receive for unauthorized masturbation.

18) Master will not expose the slave to unsafe sexual activity. Master will Never expose slave to any activity which could conceivably expose slave to HIV or other STDs. Such unauthorized potential exposure would be unsafe and could seriously damage the Master’s property. Master agrees He will never permanently damage slave seriously in anyway or bring serious harm to it, other than what is within the rights of the slave limitations set by Master Khaled in this Contract.

19) The slave may or may not hold regular employment; it is signing this Contract as a working slave. Master may order the slave to perform physical duties on His behalf and may hire out its labor without compensation of any kind to slave. The slave will be subjected to some form of workaround Master’s house daily.

20) The labor will be hard and the slave will be beaten while working. It will also at times be subjected to wearing clamps and clothespins while working. It agrees to serve diligently, completely, and to the best of its ability at all times. It will not receive anything for its work, any wages or salary will be in the control of Master. If the slave was to work at another location the slave will still be as it always is. The slave would remain this way under the total watch of its Master. The slave will never know any title except slave always. It is not entitled to worker’s compensation, social security, or other insurances or taxes. It understands completely that it serves under a slave Contract for no compensation and will receive AED 0.00 in wages. No matter how many hours slaves may work it will never see any funds nor make any money. That it is not an employee can be demonstrated by the IRS test that it can’t quit this slave Contract.

21) The slave asserts that it is in good physical and mental health at this time, has no known illness, conditions, disease, allergy, or other ailments unless otherwise noted on the attached Medical Form. If it has withheld any known or suspected physical/mental ailment from Master Khaled, it holds Him harmless from any recourse, legal or otherwise the slave, its heirs, or assignees may have. Master will allow the slave to remain in great health at all times. It agrees, at Master discretion to submit to every form of examination by health care professionals, fitness experts and others Master deems desirable. It agrees to submit to any treatment or course or regimen Master orders.

22) It must be totally clear and precise and there must be no confusion about the slavery that the slave is entering. However, this section is overly important because there cannot be any confusion with this paragraph whatsoever because of the nature of the severity of what will occur. Master may enforce His orders by physical, corporal punishment, or various types. Some of the methods of discipline used will be whips, canes, paddles, and being beaten with many different implements. It understands the beatings and whippings are Very Real. They Will Hurt may leave temporary or permanent marks on its body and will bruise, from mild to severe. Master may enforce His orders by physical force at any given time. In short, by making it to do what He wants to be done, Master may apply corporal punishment and/or force either for a lapse in its behavior or just simply for His enjoyment, amusement and gratification. This may include mild to severe torture but some type of torture every day including the possibility to use slaves’ bodies for a medical session, and electro torture. Again it understands completely that it May receive some form of torture daily. So again it is signing this Contract knowingly and realizing that it will be subjected to beatings and torture. It understands that beatings and torture will be painful. The slave will accept any punishment Master desires to use on this slave. Master agrees never to seriously or permanently damage or injure the slave.

23) The slave submits to this Contract and to the treatment here described entirely of its own free will and volition and for its own reasons. It enters into this Contract solely and entirely at its own risk, knowing that it is becoming a slave. This slave, for itself, its heirs, its assigns, and all other parties of any description, hereby agree to hold Master harmless and release Him from all liability of any kind. It understands completely that it entered into slavery knowing it would endure many beatings, torture, and inhumane things. Master and other participants in these activities would not be liable in any way, unless it is a blatant disregard of the Contract, by Master.

24) As a slave it will own Nothing not its body, its mind, or soul; it will be the legal property of Master Khaled. It understands completely that it will exist simply as an object owned by Master. The slave will liquidate all assets and all monies derived from this liquidation, will be given to the Master upon arrival. Anything the slave may be provided with and all items on the slave will belong completely to Master. Dildos, butt plugs, collar, leashes, chains, clamps, any bondage or slave device, dog bowls, or the cage slave sleeps in, etc., will all be the property of Master. It understands completely that as a slave it will own absolutely Nothing.  As a slave for the rest of its life, it will never own a single possession.

25) Master has the exclusive right to change its name to anything He desires to call it, whether it is a new name or something more suitable to its low status as a slave, such as bitch, slut, whore, pussy, piece of shit, etc. He may change its name legally or just for His own purposes. It will accept its new name and never question it, just like anything else as a slave. If asked by anyone, it will never deny its name or its identity, or what or who it is. it also understands that the identity it once knew will be gone forever.

26) The slave wishes to disappear from its present life and relocate to an area where it will not be exposed to any portions of its former life. Master agrees that under no circumstances shall Master publish photographs, movies, video, or any specific information that could possibly be viewed by anyone from its former life.

27) The slave under absolutely No circumstances will Ever be allowed to watch TV, use a telephone, computer, or any other thing that would be considered a luxury. As indicated by this Contract Nothing in a slave’s life will be remotely close to a luxury but instead a constant humiliation and degradation and bondage. The slave will have no contact with the outside world of any kind and must maintain its constant focus and dedication on serving, obeying, and pleasing its Master.

28) In any disagreement of interpretation, Master Khaled’s desire shall prevail. This Contract may be broken only by Master Khaled and there are only 2 possible ways this Contract could be broken. Neither of the 2 ways can be broken by the slave. Once the signing of this Contract is finished the slave will Never know freedom again. Below indicates how it can be broken.i) Master Khaled at any given time may sell a slave to another Muslim Master. Upon clear violation by Master of His authority as listed above. Although this would be the more unlikely of the two ways out of the Contract since the Master has set all limits for the slave Himself and has complete and total power over the slave. Although if Master were to violate one of the limits He has set for the slave this would terminate the Contract. (However, Master’s violation would in no way result in the freedom of the slave.) Once this contract is signed it will remain a slave to someone for life even if the Contract is violated by the Master. The slave will remain enslaved; it just could not be a slave to Him anymore. In this case, the slave would be given to another Muslim Owner by Master Khaled. (This slave understands this Contract Cannot be broken by it the slave, Ever. By signing this Contract it knows it will Never know freedom Again.

29) Master may choose to sell this slave at any given time at His own discretion as mentioned above. If the Master desire to sell a slave, He may do so without the consent of the slave in choice of new Owner. The slave is obligated to agree to the sale and may not choose to end this Contract if the Master desires to sell the slave and discontinue ownership. Slave understands completely, that it will never be free again, no matter if Master Khaled no longer wants a slave. Master wants this slave to be a slave always even if sold by Him. This slave understands that by signing this Contract it is knowingly realizing it will remain a slave for the rest of its life. It does not matter how many Owners slave may have, and all of the slave’s Owners will see that slave is never free again. For example, if the slave could live another 50 years or more, and still will always remain as nothing more than a slave. That too a slave to Muslim Owner. Slave also understands it may be sold  into slavery under even harsher circumstances than this. This slave understands it may be sold to an Owner that wants to keep it in a dungeon/torture chamber environment for years or to an Owner that may want to breed slave with dogs/animals, etc. No matter what type of slavery it enters in, slave again will accept its position in slavery and will serve its new Muslim Owner to the fullest extent of his ability, just like it had done with Master Khaled. Once the slave’s sale to a new Owner is completed, the slave will then be the property of his new Muslim Owner and All provisions of this Contract will remain fully intact.

30) There is no possible way that this slave will see freedom again for the rest of its life. It understands completely that this Contract is totally irreversible, or unbreakable in any way once signed. The signing of this Contract will be the last decision the slave will ever make on its own. Once this contract is signed by this slave it is the legal property, possession, thing, merchandise, chattel, and slave of Muslim Masters for a maximum duration period of a lifetime. The word lifetime means that the slave will be enslaved for life. Master agrees that the slave will be enslaved for life. It understands completely there is absolutely no possible way it will ever be free again. This slave will never have any other title than a slave. It will remain a slave and human property for the rest of its natural existence. It understands that once this contract is signed, the life that it once knew will no longer exist. All past life that the slave once knew will be gone and all thoughts and emotions will be dictated by Master Khaled and the slave will be focused 24/7/365 on serving, obeying, and pleasing its Master.

31) The slave has read this Contract closely and completely understands that it is signing a Contract to enter slavery. There are no other provisions and it knows that by signing this Contract it is willingly entering into slavery, fully understanding there is absolutely No way out. It understands completely that it is becoming Owned property. It also understands that it will be a 24/7/365 Lifetime slave, to be used and abused, with No rights, limits, or any saying anything Ever. It also understands that being a slave is not an easy life as indicated by this Contract but instead a very hard life. It also fully understands that it will be subjected to very cruel, harsh, and dehumanizing things by Master Khaled. It understands as stated above that it will endure extreme torture and extreme beatings, as well as  extreme humiliation and degradation every day, regularly. It also understands that the abuse, torture, beatings, etc Will Never Stop. This slave will Not ask for its freedom because this would only result in it being beaten for asking and of course its request would be denied. The purpose of this Contract is so that it understands what it is committing itself to. It is completely aware of everything before signing this Contract, and it has no other questions. This slave Agrees to be a slave for the rest of its life. No insurance or retirement benefits will ever be provided to slave at any time. Slaves do not earn or have rights to such. Medical, dental, and health care will be provided by the Master as He deems necessary. If a slave becomes infirm and/or unable to perform its duties, shall be cared for by the other slaves in the Master’s home until it’s death, sold, given away, or disposed of. slave retains the option to end it’s life, with Master’s approval, at such a time when the slave is unable to be a benefit to it’s Master. A slave should always be a benefit to its owner and never a burden. Being a proper slave is to always seek to serve the Master with its best, never expect anything from the Master in return, and to always be thankful for what the Master does grant to the slave.

32) Master may change, add to or delete any or all of these at any time with or without notice. If any of these rules are broken, the slave will be severely punished.

Date of execution of slavery: 1st December 2020

Slaves’ old name: Ravi Sharma

Slave’s new (registered) name: 987 034 786 Name of Owner/Master: Master Khaled Signature of Owner/Master:

Signature of slave:

Date of Signature: 1st December 2020

After reading all the provisions thoroughly Ravi asked Master by gathering enough courage.” Master may I ask about two provisions of this contract.” Master said, “Yes”

“Master this contract permits You to sell me, but You know that I had come here exclusively for You. I just only love You, and I can’t even think about anyone else.” Ravi asked with akin respect. Master replied, “This provision is to keep total control over you. you have to perform well if you don’t want to be sold.” Ravi was able to notice a little cruel smile on the Master’s face.

Ravi asked further, ” Master may I include a provision in this contract that, whatever I earn here 10℅ of my monthly income will go to my family.”

Master said, “I can understand but this doesn’t need any provision, I will allow you to send up to 10℅ of your monthly income. But remember it should never cross the limit of 10℅. Also, I will have complete right to stop this payment any time.”

Ravi just nodded in acceptance. Actually, he has no choice but to sign the contract because he spent all his savings to reach here and he has almost no money to go back home. he was given a pen. he signed over the contract, Master also signed. Now officially he was the property of Master Khaled!….

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