He’s the guy who quietly started his Twitter page in 2014, but has found fame immediately upon posting his artwork in March 2021, whole seven years later. The artist behind the wonderlandx page on Twitter is here with us (well, not physically!) to endure the questions of IC and give you a bit more of an insight into him, the process of creating, and his inspiration. Upon receiving our questions, he said: “Each of your questions can be an essay subject for the university, but I will keep my answers short, I’ll try to be clear and significant.”
So, let’s dig in and start this interview. I give you: wonderlandx!

Hi, wonderlandx! It’s a real joy to see your work and it feels like the world is finally warming up to the attraction to Arab and Muslim men in general. Tell us more about your background and tell us why did you chose this exact topic for your art?
I love all the people and all the cultures on Earth, but like each of us, we have our personal orientation about our attraction, and Iโm personally very much attached to Arab tradition, culture, arts, and their people. I just want to honor the Arabic beauty, but itโs doesnโt mean that Iโm personally not into Western, African, or Asian men.

What technique do you mostly use for your art, and are there any other artistic techniques that you’re good at, or that you would like to try out?
I use very simple equipment for my drawings: Pigment ink pen, permanent marker, charcoal pencil, and pastels. I prefer black and white for my erotic drawings because I want them to look like the old silent film, in order to explore nostalgic feelings. Other than that, I do work with other mediums such as ink, paints, and I also do sculpturing.

Inspiration is the most important thing when it comes to art, where do you get your inspiration from and how does it relate to your private life?
For all the expressions in the arts, life is the fundamental inspiration, you have to live first. Without life experiences, you canโt paint, write, composeโฆ At the same time, I try not to represent absolute real life in my drawings, as I prefer to transform reality into fantasy. My drawings are fiction, and not a portray of something real, and they’re far from being just a simple portrait making. I like to think that each drawing has a unique story to it.

Does the process include an erection in your pants while drawing? Because it surely arouses many others who follow you on Twitter.
We need art in life because it shows us the truth and deep meaning above anything else. Therefore, if I myself am not excited and true to myself during the process of creating my artwork, the drawing will never touch or intrigue the person who going to look at it.

Looking at your art, I can see that in most of your work the bottom is pale and a weaker guy. What is behind that and how does it relate to your experience with men?
Being a top in regards to sex in real life, Iโm passionate about the guys who are bottoms. I also sometimes turn a very masculine gay guy into a bottom in my drawings. I never limit myself to any borderline. When I draw a drawing, itโs like making a short movie in my mind: I want my “actors” to be generous, giving, and charismatic. I want the costumes to be created beautifully and with care, and I want to create a decoration that has a lot of attention to detail. The men in my drawings have to give 100% of themselves to the audience.

Do you have any of the previously unshown work that you’d like to reveal and premiere for our readers today?
I actually have two new drawings which nobody has yet seen! Here they are, as a special premiere, only at IC:

Do you consider the attraction based on a man’s culture or religion rather than solely on his looks to be degrading or is it something that you can relate to or simply approve in any way?
Humans are human, we share the same feelings, we cry and laugh for the same reason. For me, the human connection is not based on the conditions of race or religion.

Can we expect you to stick around at Twitter long-term? Because now when we’ve experienced a glimpse of your work, we’d surely enjoy to have you around for as long as possible!
Well, my drawings were my own secret “wonderland”, until one day a friend told me that I should share them with people. However, I wasn’t really sure if people would enjoy them or not until I started posting them on Twitter only a few weeks ago. I’ve received so many messages and people have been reacting in an extremely positive and supportive way. That’s when I realized that my artwork has found its audience and that I should continue to give people more of my artwork as it excites and pleases them. Itโs an ongoing process, so there are going to be lots of new drawings coming soon. But, if one day my work starts to bore the audience or waste their time, I hope that someone will let me know so that I can stop posting it. In the meantime, I wish all of you happiness and joy! Thanks for the interview! With love, MMOB.
Thank you for this lovely interview! I’m excited to see what you have next for us in your creative process. Exceptional and sexy, as well as the work you’ve shown so far, I am sure of it! Have a nice day!
What a humble and amazing guy! We’ve featured some of his art in the interview, but there is more that can be seen at his Twitter page, and from the sound of it – there is much more to come soon!
Exciting times ahead of us, dear reader! We are truly in luck to have artists around that put the accent on the exact thing of our liking.
Make sure to follow wonderlandx on Twitter and don’t miss out on any of his upcoming posts and artwork!
Grazie mille
Beautiful drawings. They really show the power and dominance of Muslim Superiors. The strength and beauty of their cocks comes through.
Thanks Brian, make sure to follow the author for more ๐
beautiful pictures and awesome interview! i am following the artist!!!
I love your art so much. Stunningly!